Advanced ATC Info
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A CTI (Collegiate Training Initiative) program is a degree program at a 2 or 4 year college or university that agrees to teach a course titled Air Traffic Control Basics in its curriculum. This is accomplished by adding the lesson objectives to various academic courses taught at that institution. Students must also complete general education requirements such as English, math, science, etc.
The CTO (Control Tower Operator) certificate program focuses on the technical skills training. Advanced ATC teaches the Air Traffic Control Basics objectives the FAA requires of CTI programs as well, but we accomplish this in the first 4 weeks of training rather than spending 2 to 4 years on it.
Additionally, after you have successfully completed the CTO certificate program, you are a fully certified Air Traffic Controller with a CTO certificate issued by an FAA Examiner.
Our expectation is to have a 100% graduation rate. It is important that we make sure an applicant meets certain qualifications and skill sets to become an Air Traffic Controller. Part of your visit will include a simulation session with an instructor on our Tower Simulator. This will give you an opportunity to “try out” the job as well as allow Advanced ATC to determine your skill sets. A personal interview with one or more members of our Executive Team will be required. The interview will assess your motivation, determiniation, flexibility, cooperation skills, social adaptability, consciousness, and emotional stability. Advanced ATC’s program is not for everyone. We want to make certain each potential student understands the commitment they are making by deciding to attend AATC and ensure their success.
The term “FAA Approved School” is associated with the traditional “Collegiate Training Initiative” (CTI) program. AATC offers a “CTO” program. The CTO or Control Tower Operator certification course is a one year technical certificate program. When a student completes this program, they will have met all the requirements in accordance with FAR Part 65 and satisfactorily passed an FAA Facility Rating evaluation by an FAA Examiner. The FAA Examiner will then issue a Control Tower Operator certificate with Facility Rating. The FAA is the issuing authority for all CTO certificates.